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Roman Numerals

On this page:

1 to 20
10 to 100
91 to 100
100 to 200
100 to 1000
1900 to 1990
1991 to 2000
Arabic to Roman
Roman to Arabic

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Roman Numerals

The Roman numeral system uses seven letters:

1 5 10 50 100 500 1000
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If you have difficulty remembering the letters, here's a mnemonic:

I Value Xylophones Like Cadbury's Dairy Milk

1 to 20

12 34 56 78 910
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10 to 100 (in tens)

1020 3040 5060 7080 90100
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91 to 100

9192 9394 9596 9798 99100
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100 to 200 (in tens)

110120 130140 150160 170180 190200
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100 to 1000 (in hundreds)

100200 300400 500600 700800 9001000
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1900 to 1990 (in tens)

 1900  1910  1920  1930  1940
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 1950  1960  1970  1980  1990
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1990 to 2000

 1991  1992  1993  1994  1995
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 1996  1997  1998  1999  2000
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For numbers that aren't on the table:

Converting from Arabic numerals to Roman

Consider each digit separately.

For example: 1066 = 1000 + 0 + 60 + 6 = 'M' + '' + 'LX' + 'VI' = MLXVI

Converting from Roman numerals to Arabic

Simply add up all the numbers, but if there's a 'CM', 'CD', 'XC', 'XL', 'IX', or 'IV', count these pairs together (CM = 900, CD = 400, XC = 90, XL = 40, IX = 9, IV = 4).

Example: MCMLXXXIV is M + CM + L + X + X + X + IV: 1000 + 900 + 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 4 = 1984.

Final note: When writing down Roman numerals, there are no hard and fast rules. For example, some experts say that 90 could be written as LXXXX, and 99 as LXXXXVIIII; conventionally, however, they are written as XC and XCIX. Similarly, 999 could be written as DCCCCLXXXXVIIII; but it's easier to write CMXCIX.

Roman numerals: a bar (line) above a number Click to show or hide the answer

© Haydn Thompson 2017