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Reports and Committees

Reports and Committees

Chairman of British Railways, whose 1963 report The Reshaping of British Railways led to widespread cuts and closures Click to show or hide the answer
Liberal peer, chairman of the committee that produced the 1942 report that led to the establishment of Britain's Welfare State in 1948, including the National Health Service and Social Security system (a welfare state "from the cradle to the grave") Click to show or hide the answer
Chairman of the inquiry into Britain's role in the Iraq War (2009–10) Click to show or hide the answer
Controlled teachers' pay scales in the UK, 1919–87 Click to show or hide the answer
Led the inquiry into the Profumo affair (1963) Click to show or hide the answer
Inquiry into the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands and the conduct of the Falklands War Click to show or hide the answer
Enquiry into executive pay (Study Group on Directors' Remuneration), (1995) Click to show or hide the answer
Chair of the public inquiry into the UK Government's handling of the COVID–19 pandemic (starting in 2022) Click to show or hide the answer
Inquiry into possible methods of introducing decimalisation in the UK (1961–3) Click to show or hide the answer
Chair of the inquiry into the death of government weapons expert David Kelly, 2003 Click to show or hide the answer
Congressman who led the judiciary committee that produced the articles of impeachment against President Clinton Click to show or hide the answer
Report into the prison service (1995) Click to show or hide the answer
Head of the panel set up to investigate claims relating to the second homes allowance, following the parliamentary expenses scandal (2009) Click to show or hide the answer
Chairman of the inquiry into the culture, practice and ethics of the British press (2011) Click to show or hide the answer
Canadian law professor: presented (and gave his name to) the report of the WADA Commission set up to investigate state–sponsored doping in Russian sport, published in two parts in 2016 Click to show or hide the answer
Inquiry into the police investigation into the death of Stephen Lawrence (1998–9) Click to show or hide the answer
Chairman of the Royal Commission on Local Government in England, 1966–9 (led to the reforms that came into effect in 1974) Click to show or hide the answer
US senator who led a review of the Irish peace process and the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement (1999) Click to show or hide the answer
First chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life – established in 1994 by John Major, to investigate government "sleaze"; has reported annually since then Click to show or hide the answer
Reported in 1961 on standards in public housing in the UK – entitled Homes for Today and Tomorrow Click to show or hide the answer
Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry into the history of the emergence and identification of BSE and new variant CJD in the UK (1998–2000) Click to show or hide the answer
Chairman of the Bloody Sunday enquiry (1998–2010) Click to show or hide the answer
Chairman of the inquiry into the 1981 Brixton riots – blamed "racial disadvantage that is a fact of British life" Click to show or hide the answer
Chairman of the inquiry into the sale of arms to Iraq, 1992–5 (set up following the collapse of the trial of the Coventry–based engineering firm Matrix Churchill) Click to show or hide the answer
Independent counsel who led the investigation into charges relating to Bill and Hillary Clinton's Whitewater real estate venture – whose scope was expanded after Linda Tripp submitted tapes of her conversations with Monica Lewinsky Click to show or hide the answer
Author of the 2006 review on the economics of climate change on behalf of the British government – nephew of Donald Swann! Click to show or hide the answer
Report into the death of Princess Diana, 2006 Click to show or hide the answer
Chairman of the 1989 inquiry into the Hillsborough tragedy, which led to all major British football grounds being all seated Click to show or hide the answer
Investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy – established by President Lyndon B. Johnson, 29 November 1963 Click to show or hide the answer
Chairman of the UK's Departmental Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution (1954–7) Click to show or hide the answer

© Haydn Thompson 2017–19