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World War II

World War II: Dates

Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany, by President Paul von Hindenburg Click to show or hide the answer
Hitler becomes Führer of Germany (combining the offices of President and Chancellor) on the death of Hindenburg – under the terms of a law passed the previous day Click to show or hide the answer
Chamberlain returns from Munich proclaiming "Peace for our time" Click for more information Click to show or hide the answer
Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact signed (in the early hours of – dated the day before) Click to show or hide the answer
German invasion of Poland began Click to show or hide the answer
Britain declared war on Germany Click to show or hide the answer
Bacon, butter and sugar are rationed in Britain Click to show or hide the answer
Churchill becomes Prime Minister, and Germany's offensive in the West begins Click to show or hide the answer
Churchill's "blood, toil, tears and sweat" speech Click to show or hide the answer
Evacuation of British forces from Dunkirk Click to show or hide the answer
Churchill's "We shall fight on the beaches" speech Click to show or hide the answer
Churchill's "This was their finest hour" speech Click to show or hide the answer
France surrenders to the Germans Click to show or hide the answer
"Channel battles" – the early skirmishes of the Battle of Britain – begin Click to show or hide the answer
Adlertag (Eagle Day) – the Battle of Britain begins in earnest Click to show or hide the answer
Churchill's "Never in the field of human conflict" speech Click to show or hide the answer
Hitler postpones the invasion of Britain "until the spring of 1941" – effectively ending the Battle of Britain Click to show or hide the answer
Hitler issues Directive 21, finally removing his threat to invade Britain Click to show or hide the answer
Battle of the Denmark Strait: German battleships Bismarck and Prinz Eugen sink HMS Hood Click to show or hide the answer
Sinking of the Bismarck Click to show or hide the answer
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Click to show or hide the answer
USA enters the war Click to show or hide the answer
British forces in Singapore surrender to the Japanese Click to show or hide the answer
Civilian petrol rationing abolished (private use of petrol by civilians is prohibited) Click to show or hide the answer
Battle of Midway Click to show or hide the answer
(Second) Battle of El Alamein Click to show or hide the answer
Dam Busters raid Click to show or hide the answer
D-Day landings Click to show or hide the answer
Hitler narrowly escapes death by von Stauffenberg's bomb Click to show or hide the answer
Franklin D. Roosevelt dies – succeeded immediately by Harry S. Truman Click to show or hide the answer
Hitler marries Eva Braun (in the early hours of the morning of) Click to show or hide the answer
Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide (by gunshot and cyanide capsule respectively) Click to show or hide the answer
VE Day (the Allies accept Germany's surrender) Click to show or hide the answer
The first atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima Click to show or hide the answer
The second atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki Click to show or hide the answer
VJ Day (Emperor Hirohito announces Japan's acceptance of the terms of the Potsdam Declaration) Click to show or hide the answer
Japanese surrender on board USS Missouri Click to show or hide the answer
Petrol rationing ends in Britain Click to show or hide the answer
Sweet rationing ends in Britain Click to show or hide the answer
Sugar rationing ends in Britain Click to show or hide the answer
Meat becomes the last foodstuff to come off rationing in Britain Click to show or hide the answer

© Haydn Thompson 2017–21