Quiz Monkey |
Language |
Abbreviations |
Science and Technology |
See also Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITC).
Q: In the field of [Field], what is the abbreviation (or acronym) [Abbreviation] short for? | |||
Abbreviation | Field | Meaning | |
ABC | First aid | Airway, Breathing, Circulation | |
AC | Electricity supply | Alternating Current | |
ADHD | Psychology | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | |
AIDS | Medicine | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | |
AM | Electromagnetic radiation | Amplitude Modulation | |
AONB | Nature conservation | Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty | |
BMI | Physiology | Body Mass Index | |
BSE | Veterinary medicine | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy | |
BWG | Engineering | Birmingham Wire Gauge | |
BYA | Geological time | Billion Years Ago | |
CAT (scan) | Medical technology | Computerised Axial Tomography | |
CD | Consumer electronics | Compact Disc | |
CERN | Scientific research | European Centre for Nuclear Research | |
CFC | Chemicals | Chlorofluorocarbons | |
CITES | Nature conservation | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species | |
COPD | Medicine | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | |
CT (scan) | Medical technology | Computerised Tomography | |
D&C | Medicine | Dilation (or dilatation) and curettage | |
DAT | Consumer electronics | Digital Audio Tape | |
DC | Electricity supply | Direct Current | |
DCC | Consumer electronics | Digital Compact Cassette | |
DDT | Chemicals | Dichloro–Diphenyl–Trichloro–ethane | |
DIN | Engineering standards | Deutsche Industrie Norm | |
DNA | Chemicals | DeoxyriboNucleic Acid | |
DOA | Medical practice | Dead On Arrival | |
DT's | Medicine | Delirium Tremens | |
DVD | Consumer electronics | Digital Versatile Disc | |
ECG | Medical technology | ElectroCardioGram | |
EEG | Medical technology | ElectroEncephaloGram | |
emf | Electromagnetism | ElectroMotive Force | |
ENT | Medical practice | Ear, Nose and Throat | |
EPCOT | Scientific research | Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow | |
EPNS | Alloy | Electro–Plated Nickel–Silver | |
ESA | Space technology | European Space Agency | |
ESN | Psychology | Educationally Sub–Normal | |
ESP | Psychology | Extra–Sensory Perception | |
FAST | Medicine | Face, Arms, Speech, Time | |
FM | Electromagnetic radiation | Frequency Modulation | |
FSH | Physiology | Follicle Stimulating Hormone (see also Transport) | |
GDP | Macroeconomics | Gross Domestic Product | |
GI | Physiology | Glycaemic Index (see also
Military) | |
GNP | Macroeconomics | Gross National Product | |
GPS | Navigation technology | Global Positioning Satellite | |
Hb or Hgb | Medicine | Haemoglobin | |
HCD | Mathematics | Highest Common Denominator | |
HDMI | Consumer electronics | High–Definition Multimedia Interface | |
HDTV | Consumer electronics | High–Definition Television | |
Hi–Fi | Consumer electronics | High Fidelity | |
HIV | Medicine | Human Immunodeficiency Virus | |
HRT | Medicine | Hormone Replacement Therapy | |
HWM | Cartography | High Water Mark | |
IQ | Psychology | Intelligence Quotient | |
IR | Physics | Infra–Red | |
IT | Information Technology | ||
IU(C)D | Medicine | Intra–Uterine (Contraceptive) Device | |
IUCN | Nature conservation | International Union for the Conservation of Nature | |
IVF | Medicine | In Vitro Fertilisation | |
JESSI | Scientific research | Joint European Silicon Structure Initiative | |
JET | Nuclear science | Joint European Torus | |
Laser | Technology | Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation | |
LCD | Technology | Liquid Crystal Display | |
LCM | Mathematics | Lowest Common Multiple | |
LED | Technology | Light Emitting Diode | |
LGM | Radioastronomy | Little Green Men | |
LHB | Astronomy | Late Heavy Bombardment | |
LHC (at CERN) | Scientific research | Large Hadron Collider | |
LPG | Chemicals | Liquefied Petroleum Gas | |
LSD | Chemicals | ||
LWM | Cartography | Low Water Mark | |
ME | Medicine | Myalgic encephalomyelitis | |
MERS | Medicine | Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (a.k.a. camel flu) | |
MFP | Physics | Mean Free Path | |
MMR | Medicine | Measles, Mumps, Rubella | |
MP3 | Consumer electronics | MPEG–1 Audio Layer 3 | |
MRI | Medicine | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (or Manchester Royal Infirmary!) | |
MRSA | Medicine | Methicillin–Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus | |
MYA | Geological time | Million Years Ago | |
NCC | Nature conservation | Nature Conservancy Council | |
NEO | Astronomy | Near Earth Object | |
NICAM | Consumer electronics | Near–Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplexing | |
Nylon | Synthetic materials | New York and LONdon | |
O&M | Work study | Organisation and Method | |
OCD | Mental health | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | |
OLED | Technology | Organic Light–Emitting Diode | |
ORACLE | (ITV teletext service) | Optional Reception of Announcements by Coded Line Electronics | |
OTC | Pharmaceuticals | Over The Counter | |
PABX | Telephony | Private Automatic Branch Exchange | |
PCR (test) | Medicine | Polymerase Chain Reaction | |
PET (scanning) | Medical imaging | Positron Emission Tomography | |
pH | Chemistry | Potential of Hydrogen | |
POM | Pharmaceuticals | Prescription Only Medicine | |
PTFE | Synthetic materials | Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) | |
PTSD | Psychology | Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder | |
PVC | Synthetic materials | PolyVinyl Chloride | |
PWR | Engineering | Pressurised Water Reactor | |
R&D | Scientific research | Research and Development | |
Radar | Technology | RAdio Detection And Ranging | |
RICE | Medicine (First Aid) | Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (treatment of soft tissue injuries) | |
ROI | Economics | Return On Investment | |
RSI | Medicine | Repetitive Strain Injury | |
SAE | Engineering (motor oil) | Society of Automotive Engineers (USA) | |
SARS | Medicine | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome | |
SETI | Scientific research | Search for Extra–Terrestrial Intelligence | |
SHF | Electromagnetic radiation | Super High Frequency | |
SIDS | Medicine | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome | |
SIM | Mobile phones | Subscriber Identity (or Identification) Module | |
SLR | Photography | Single Lens Reflex | |
SMS | Telephony | Short Messaging Service (text messaging) | |
Sonar | Technology | SOund Navigation And Ranging | |
SSSI | Nature conservation | Site of Special Scientific Interest | |
STD | Telephony | Subscriber Trunk Dialling | |
SWG | Engineering | Standard Wire Gauge | |
THORP | Engineering | THermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant | |
TIROS | Space technology | Television and Infra–Red Observation Satellite | |
TLR | Photography | Twin–Lens Reflex | |
TNT | Chemicals | Tri–Nitro Toluene | |
TTL | Photography | Through The Lens (metering) | |
TVP | Food technology | Textured Vegetable Protein | |
UFO | Scientific research | Unidentified Flying Object | |
UHF | Electromagnetic radiation | Ultra–High Frequency | |
UHT | Food technology | Ultra Heat Treated | |
UV | Physics | Ultra–Violet | |
VHF | Electromagnetic radiation | Very High Frequency | |
VHS | Consumer electronics | Video Home System |
© Haydn Thompson 2017–24