
Quiz Monkey
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American English

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British to American
American to British

American English

Many of these terms are used in Canada as well as the United States. But then (contrary to what some US citizens seem to believe), Canada is actually part of America.

You can obviously ask any of these either way round – for example, you can ask what's the British equivalent of the American term "collect call". The main reason for separating them as I have is because some of them are less obvious, or (more importantly) less ambiguous, one way.

British usage to American

e.g. "What term is used in America for what we in Britain call (a) ... ?"
Stag night Click to show or hide the answer
Fringe (in hair styling) Click to show or hide the answer
Reverse charge (telephone) call Click to show or hide the answer
Candy floss Click to show or hide the answer
(Baby's) nappy Click to show or hide the answer
Torch Click to show or hide the answer
Manufactured substitute for breast milk Click to show or hide the answer
Icing (in cake decoration) Click to show or hide the answer
Jam (fruit preserves) Click to show or hide the answer
Star jump Click to show or hide the answer
Ladybird Click to show or hide the answer
Launderette Click to show or hide the answer
Divers (birds) Click to show or hide the answer
Silencer (on a car) Click to show or hide the answer
Baby's dummy Click to show or hide the answer
Bunker (golf) Click to show or hide the answer
Pavement Click to show or hide the answer
Flick knife Click to show or hide the answer
Drawing pin Click to show or hide the answer
Noughts and Crosses (traditional game) Click to show or hide the answer
Boot (of a car) Click to show or hide the answer
Spanner Click to show or hide the answer

Term used in America for someone who works in a restaurant, clearing and setting tables, washing dishes, and otherwise assisting the waiting staff Click to show or hide the answer

American usage to British

e.g. "What term is used in Britain for what is known in America as a(n) ... ?"
Eggplant Click to show or hide the answer
Beano, Lucky or Radio Click to show or hide the answer
Derby (hat) Click to show or hide the answer
Suspenders Click to show or hide the answer
Head cheese Click to show or hide the answer
Fava beans Click to show or hide the answer
Fanny pack Click to show or hide the answer
Fender (car part) Click to show or hide the answer
Trailer Click to show or hide the answer
Lapstrake Click to show or hide the answer
Chinese parsley or Mexican parsley – or cilantro, which is its Spanish name Click to show or hide the answer
Zucchini Click to show or hide the answer
Quarter note Click to show or hide the answer
Tuxedo Click to show or hide the answer
Checkers Click to show or hide the answer
Chicory Click to show or hide the answer
Realtor Click to show or hide the answer
Station wagon Click to show or hide the answer
G–man Click to show or hide the answer
Broiled (food) Click to show or hide the answer
Caboose (on a train) Click to show or hide the answer
Purse Click to show or hide the answer
Burlap (coarse fabric) Click to show or hide the answer
Popsicle Click to show or hide the answer
On the lam Click to show or hide the answer
SpelunkingClick for more information Click to show or hide the answer
TeamsterClick for more information Click to show or hide the answer
Vaudeville Click to show or hide the answer
Tic tac toe Click to show or hide the answer
Variety meats Click to show or hide the answer
KeroseneClick for more information Click to show or hide the answer
Plexiglass (trade name) Click to show or hide the answer
Beltway Click to show or hide the answer
Pavement Click to show or hide the answer
Arugula (salad vegetable, scientific name Eruca sativa) Click to show or hide the answer
Fireweed Click to show or hide the answer
Traffic circle (to road users) Click to show or hide the answer
Dumpster Click to show or hide the answer
Bleachers Click to show or hide the answer
Burlesque Click to show or hide the answer
RutabagaClick for more information Click to show or hide the answer
Faucet Click to show or hide the answer
Dacron Click to show or hide the answer
NightstickClick for more information Click to show or hide the answer
Vest Click to show or hide the answer
Billfold Click to show or hide the answer

© Haydn Thompson 2017–23