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Egyptian Mythology

Chief deity of ancient Egypt at its zenith, when he became fused with Ra, the sun god; name means 'the hidden one' or 'invisible'; later identified with the Greek god Zeus Click for more information Click to show or hide the answer
God of the desert, the embalmer, who led souls to Osiris; often depicted as having the head of a jackal (or, more correctly in modern times, a wolf) Click for more information Click to show or hide the answer
Bull god (cult started by Menes, the first Pharoah, c3000BC) Click to show or hide the answer
God of recreation or pleasure Click to show or hide the answer
God of kingship, healing, protection, the sun and the sky: variously depicted as a falcon, or as a man with a falcon's head: wounded in the eye by Set, causing the moon to wax and wane Click to show or hide the answer
Bird that was sacred to the ancient Egyptians as the reincarnation of Thoth (Toth), the god of knowledge Click to show or hide the answer
Sister and wife of Osiris, and mother of Horus; goddess of motherhood, health, marriage and love Click to show or hide the answer
God of the Underworld and merciful judge of the dead; brother of Isis (who was also his wife), Set, Nephthys, and Horus the Elder, and father of Horus the younger Click to show or hide the answer
Typically depicted with green skin (symbolising rebirth) and a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy–wrapped at the legs, wearing a feathered white crown known as the atef, and holding a symbolic crook and flail (for kingship and the fertility of the land, respectively)
God of the Sun Click to show or hide the answer
Beetle revered by ancient Egyptians as a symbol of resurrection Click to show or hide the answer
God of war Click to show or hide the answer
God of evil; brother of Osiris, whom he is said in some versions to have murdered Click to show or hide the answer
God who gave protection from the River Nile: often depicted as a crocodile, or as a humanoid with a crocodile's head Click to show or hide the answer
Lion's body, woman's head Click to show or hide the answer
God of knowledge, wisdom, the moon and magic; patron of scribes, writing and science; considered the inventor of writing (hieroglyphics); secretary of the sun god Ra and scribe of the Underworld; depicted as an ibis, or as a human (sometimes a baboon) with the head of an ibis Click to show or hide the answer

© Haydn Thompson 2017–23