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History of Mathematics

History of Mathematics

Described (by Wikipedia) as "one of the highest honours a mathematician can receive": first awarded in 1936, and awarded every four years since 1950, to between two and four mathematicians under the age of 40 for outstanding achievement in mathematics; named after the Canadian mathematician who was instrumental in establishing it Click to show or hide the answer

English mathematician and philosopher, 1815–64: invented, and gave his name to, a form of algebra based on logical functions rather than numerical Click to show or hide the answer
English mathematician (1561–1631) who introduced common logarithms Click to show or hide the answer
French mathematician and philosopher who invented analytical geometry; coined the term "imaginary number", meaning it to be derogatory Click to show or hide the answer
The ancient Greek "Father of Geometry": Elements (published around 300 BC) has been called "the most successful and influential textbook ever written" Click to show or hide the answer
Swiss mathematician, 1707–83: made important and influential discoveries in infinitesimal calculus, graph theory, topology and analytic number theory Click to show or hide the answer
French mathematician, 1607–65: recognised (along with Pascal) as one of the founders of probability theory, but most famous for his so–called 'last theorem' – for which he claimed to have a proof, but which was not demonstrably proved until 1994 – by Andrew Wiles Click to show or hide the answer
Canadian mathematician, 1863–1932: established, designed, and gave his name to one of the highest honours a mathematician can receive – although he died before it was ever awarded Click to show or hide the answer
Austrian–born maths professor at Warwick University, one of four recipients of the Fields Medal in 2014 Click to show or hide the answer
German polymath (1676–1716): developed a theory of calculus independently from Sir Isaac Newton; according to Wikipedia, mathematical works have always favored his notation to Newton's Click to show or hide the answer
Inventor of logarithms (1614) and the decimal point Click to show or hide the answer
Generalised the binomial theorem (1676); shares credit with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for developing the infinitesimal calculus Click to show or hide the answer
French mathematician who invented a calculating machine in 1642, invented the roulette wheel in a search for perpetual motion, contributed to the development of calculus and the theory of probability; first described a tabular presentation for binomial coefficients, commonly named after him but sometimes known as the "arithmetical triangle" Click to show or hide the answer
French mathematician (1781–1840) who gave his name to a probability distribution Click to show or hide the answer
English logician (1834–1923): gave his name to a type of diagram that shows the relationships between a collection of sets, intersecting areas denoting elements that are common to the sets represented Click to show or hide the answer
English mathematician who proved Fermat's Last Theorem, 1998 Click to show or hide the answer

© Haydn Thompson 2017–22