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Mind Sciences


Term first used in 1897 by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim, to describe a condition or malaise in individuals "in which society provides little moral guidance" and which can lead to suicide Click to show or hide the answer
Difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic (understanding numbers, how to manipulate numbers, etc.) – the numerical equivalent of dyslexia Click to show or hide the answer
A female's infatuation with her father – the female equivalent of the Oedipus complex Click to show or hide the answer
Slip of the tongue, which may reveal a hidden thought Click to show or hide the answer
Theory proposed 1943 by Abraham Maslow – based on a study of exemplary people Click to show or hide the answer
James Braid, 1795–1860, was a pioneer of (Braidism is a term once used for) Click to show or hide the answer
The part of the subconscious governed by irrational, instinctive forces Click to show or hide the answer
The Stanford–Binet test is a widely–used way of measuring Click to show or hide the answer
Psychiatric disorder characterised by a compulsive urge to steal Click to show or hide the answer
Term (from the Greek for 'great madness') used in popular culture for narcissistic personality disorder – a long–term pattern of abnormal behaviour, characterised by exaggerated feelings of self–importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of the feelings of other people Click to show or hide the answer
Named after an 18th–century fictional character: the medical condition in which a patient feigns or induces illness, often in someone else such as their child, in order to gain attention or sympathy Click to show or hide the answer
Eating disorder characterised by an obsession with healthy eating Click to show or hide the answer
Phenomenon in which hostages come to empathise with their captors (named after a city where employees of a bank were held hostage in 1973) Click to show or hide the answer

Rhinotillexomania is an obsessive tendency to Click to show or hide the answer
Retifism – named after the French novelist Nicolas-Edme Rétif (1734-1806) – is a fetish for Click to show or hide the answer
Somnambulism, or noctambulism, is the technical term for Click to show or hide the answer


Austrian psychiatrist who first described the inferiority complex Click to show or hide the answer
Inventor of 'lateral thinking' Click to show or hide the answer
Swiss psychiatrist who popularised the terms introvert and extrovert Click to show or hide the answer
Founder of the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana State University (later named after him) in 1947; author of Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male (1948) and [ditto] Female (1953) Click to show or hide the answer
Russian physiologist: discovered "conditional reaction" – reaction conditional on the subject's previous experience – while experimenting on the gastric functions of dogs, around 1900; Nobel prize 1904 Click to show or hide the answer
Swiss philosopher, 1896–1980, famous for his work in child psychology Click to show or hide the answer
Ink blot personality test: developed by and named after (Swiss psychiatrist) Click to show or hide the answer
Technique that assumes the states of parent, adult, and child in each individual Click to show or hide the answer
Cards with standard symbols (circle, square, star, cross, wavy lines) – used in experiments for extrasensory perception (ESP), especially clairvoyance – named after the American psychologist who designed them in the early 1930s Click to show or hide the answer

© Haydn Thompson 2017–20