Q: What is the only ... ? |
A: |
Animal apart from man that suffers from leprosy |
Armadillo |
Native European monkey |
Barbary ape |
Order of mammals that can truly fly |
Bats (chiroptera) |
Animal where the female has antlers |
Caribou or reindeer |
Flightless Australian bird, apart from the Emu |
Cassowary |
Big cat that cannot fully retract its claws |
Cheetah |
Wild animal with four horns (Indian antelope) |
Chousingha |
Reptile found wild in Ireland |
Common lizard |
Mammal that can't jump |
Elephant |
Mammal that can kneel on all fours |
Elephant |
Flat freshwater fish to be found in Europe |
Flounder |
Two British birds where the female lays only one egg per year |
Fulmar, guillemot |
European mammal with a fully prehensile tail |
Harvest mouse |
Animal that produces its own natural suntan lotion |
Hippopotamus |
Bird that can fly backwards |
Hummingbird |
Bird with nostrils at the end of its bill – said to have the best sense of smell, which it uses to hunt for
insects and worms underground |
Kiwi |
Animal apart from the great apes (humans, gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos) that has fingerprints |
Koala |
European conifer that is deciduous (originates in the Alps and Carpathians) |
Larch |
European wild cat, apart from the European wildcat |
Lynx |
Sea–going lizard (native to the Galapagos Islands) |
Marine iguana |
The durukuli or douroucouli is the only nocturnal genus of
Monkeys |
Member of the giraffe family (Giraffidae), apart from the giraffe itself: lives only in the DR Congo,
at altitudes between 500 and 1500 metres, and was unknown in the western world until the early 20th century |
Okapi |
Marsupial found in the Americas |
Opossum |
Bird that has only two toes on each foot |
Ostrich |
Bird that can swim but not fly |
Penguin |
Animal apart from man that suffers from sunburn |
Pig |
Mammal that lays eggs and is venomous (echidnas also lay eggs; venomous mammals are rare, but there are others) |
Platypus |
Bird that hibernates (often said to be) |
Common poorwill |
Bird that's unique to Great Britain |
Scottish crossbill |
Animal where the male carries and gives birth to young |
Seahorse |
Fish with a prehensile tail |
Native British duck where male and female have same colouring |
Sheld duck |
Lizards native to Britain: common lizard, sand lizard and |
Slow worm |