This page gives the definitions and meanings of some
less-known adjectives. (It's like Definitions
and Meanings, but for adjectives.)
Last but two |
Antepenultimate |
Capable of being broken down by living organisms |
Biodegradable |
Capable of being drawn to a longer length without breaking |
Ductile |
Choosing the best from everything |
Eclectic |
Ploughed land that hasn’t been tilled or sown for at least one year |
Fallow |
Describes a domestic animal gone wild |
Feral |
Describes the Moon when more than half illuminated (from the Latin for "humped") |
Gibbous |
Means 'of or relating to a governor' – especially in American politics |
Gubernatorial |
Describes full–cream milk that's been processed in a way that stops the cream from rising to the top |
Homogenised |
Capable of grasping (particularly applied to the tails of certain animals, especially monkeys; also related to a
verb meaning to grasp something mentally) |
Prehensile |
Describes an offering to a supernatural being (in Christian worship, usually used for candles lit to offer a
prayer for the dead) |
Votive |
Abyssal: of or pertaining to |
The bottom of the ocean |
Aeolian: of or pertaining to |
Wind |
Alate: having |
Wings |
Alluvial |
Deposited by rivers or floods |
Aneroid |
Without air |
Anthropophagous |
Man–eating |
Arboreal: of or pertaining to (esp. living in) |
Trees |
Brachial: pertaining to the |
Arm(s) |
Cadasteral (map) |
Large scale (shows individual properties) |
Cardiform |
Heart–shaped |
Caseous |
Cheesy |
Ceraceous |
Waxy |
Cordate |
Heart–shaped |
Cerulean (sih–ROO–lee–uhn) is a shade of |
Blue |
Congruous |
Suitable |
Crapulous |
Drunk |
Crepuscular: relating to the time of |
Twilight |
Dirigible |
Capable of being steered |
Diurnal |
Daily (by day) |
Edentate (of a type of animal) |
Lacking teeth |
Edentulous (of a person) |
Lacking teeth |
Eidetic |
Vividly clear (esp. as in memory) |
Ephemeral (precise original meaning) |
Lasting only one day |
Episcopal: of or pertaining to a |
Bishop |
Epistolary (of a novel or poem) |
Written as a series of letters |
Equi–pondurate |
Of equal weight |
Friable |
Easily crumbled or powdered |
Gravid |
Pregnant |
Hebdomadal |
Weekly |
Hepatic: pertaining to the (bodily organ) |
Liver |
Hibernal: pertaining to |
Winter |
Hippocrepian |
Horseshoe–shaped |
Immutable |
Unchanging |
Inchoate (of a document – will, etc.) |
Incomplete |
Infundibular |
Funnel–shaped |
Jovial: of or pertaining to |
Jupiter (leader of the Roman gods) |
Labial: pertaining to the |
Lips |
Lapidarian: of or pertaining to |
Stones |
Ligneous |
Woody |
Littoral: of or pertaining to a |
Shore |
Loquacious |
Talkative |
Maigre (of a diet): contains no |
Meat |
Marmoreal: of or pertaining to |
Marble |
Melanistic |
Black (in biology – having excess melanin) |
Mendacious |
Lying, deceitful |
Mendicant |
Begging |
Miscible |
Capable of mixing |
Monomymous |
Known by a one-word name (e.g. Elvis, Eusebio, Hitler) |
Motley (used as an adjective) |
Multicoloured or heterogeneous |
Nubile |
Marriageable (suitable for marriage) |
Occipital: pertaining to |
The back of the head |
Olfactory: pertaining to |
Smell (sense of) |
Otic: pertaining to (part of body) |
The ear |
Paschal: pertaining to |
Easter (or Passover) |
Pectoral: of or pertaining to the |
Chest |
Pellucid |
Translucent |
Piliferous |
Hairy |
Plantar: of or pertaining to the |
Sole(s) of the foot (or feet) |
Pluvial: pertaining to |
Rainfall |
Potable |
Drinkable |
Prandial: pertaining to a |
Meal (especially dinner) |
Prognathous |
With projecting jaw |
Prurient |
Itching (hence uneasily or morbidly interested) |
Puerpal: pertaining to |
Childbirth |
Quotidian |
Daily; ordinary, commonplace, or everyday |
Raptorial (bird) |
(Bird) of prey |
Reniform |
Kidney–shaped |
Rhinal |
Pertaining to the nose |
Riparian: pertaining to a |
Riverbank |
Sacerdotal |
Priestly |
Saliferous: containing or producing |
Salt |
Saponaceous |
Soapy |
Sororal |
Sisterly |
Terpsichorean: pertaining to |
Dance |
Thalassic: of or pertaining to the |
Sea |
Unciform |
Hook–shaped |
Unctuous |
Slippery, greasy |
Untrammelled |
Unrestrained |
Uxorial: pertaining to a |
Wife |
Valedictory (message) |
Farewell |
Venial |
Pardonable (of a sin: not mortal) |
Vernal: pertaining to |
Spring |
Velutinous |
Covered with short, dense, silky, upright hairs; soft and velvety |
Wych (as in wych–hazel, wych–elm etc.) |
Pliant (branches) |
Xiphoid |
Sword–shaped |