Quiz Monkey |
See also Definitions, Adjectives, Prefixes and Suffixes.
Note that the suffix "–ocracy" actually means "power", while "–archy" means "rulership".
Q: What is (a/an) | A: | |
Ablution | Washing (used especially in a religious context) | |
Acolyte | Lowly servant or attendant (originally a church official) | |
Aglet | ||
Alb | Long white tight–sleeved vestment, worn by a priest | |
Amanuensis | One who writes to dictation (or copies written documents) | |
Ambisinistrous | Equally clumsy with both hands (opposite of ambidextrous) | |
Anchorite | Hermit (from the Greek meaning to withdraw) | |
Aphonia | Loss of voice | |
Aquaculture | Farming of aquatic organisms (fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants) | |
Arbalest | Mediaeval crossbow | |
Arras | Tapestry (hanging from a wall – named after the city in Picardy,
Northern France) | |
Atavism | Reversion to ancestral type | |
Aureate | Golden or gilded | |
Autonym | Real name (not a pseudonym) | |
Ayah | Native Hindu nurse, or nanny, for European children | |
Baldric(k) | Belt or shoulder sash, worn by a warrior (or a Morris dancer!) | |
Barouche | Horse–drawn carriage (four wheels, two seats plus one for the driver) | |
Basinet or basnet | Helmet (sometimes with a visor) | |
Bassinet | Cradle (of wicker–work) | |
Bastinado | Caning the soles of someone's feet, as punishment | |
Benefice | Church living held by vicar or rector | |
Besom | Broom (made from a bunch of twigs) | |
Biretta | Priest’s hat | |
Bombast | Raw cotton used as stuffing | |
Breviary | Book of prayers, hymns, psalms etc. – condensed for daily use | |
Brougham | Horse–drawn carriage | |
Burlap | Coarse fabric ( hemp) | |
Cadaver | Corpse | |
Canula | Tube | |
Carboy | Large globular coloured glass jar, enclosed in basket–work | |
Carrack | Merchant ship sailed in the Mediterranean in the 15th and 16th centuries | |
Cartography | Map–making | |
Cartomancy | Telling fortunes with cards | |
Catachresis | Misuse of a word (e.g. ‘flaunt’ for ‘flout’) | |
Cenotaph (literally) | Empty tomb | |
Centesimal | One hundredth (of something) | |
Chambray | Fabric | |
Charnel House | Place for storing corpses (or bones) | |
Chiromancy | Palmistry (telling fortunes from people's palms) | |
Clepsydra | ||
Consanguinity | Blood relationship | |
Crapulence | Excessive consumption (of food or alcohol) | |
Creel | Wicker–work basket (worn on the back or suspended from the shoulder,
used especially by anglers for carrying fish) | |
Cruciverbalist | Someone who is interested in (setting or solving) crossword puzzles | |
Cuneiform | Wedge–shaped | |
Cutpurse | Pickpocket | |
Dactylogram | Fingerprint | |
Dandy–horse | Early type of bicycle (driven by kicking the ground) | |
Destrier | Horse (knight’s charger) | |
Digamy | (Legal) second marriage | |
Dottle | The wet and sour–smelling mass of unburned tobacco found at the
bottom of a tobacco pipe | |
Dragée (dra–JAY) | Small edible cake decoration (e.g. sugared almonds, silver balls) | |
Drakkar | Viking longship | |
Drupe | ||
Dysphonia | Disturbance of normal vocal function; difficulty in speaking | |
Eagre or eager | Tidal bore (as on the Severn or Nile) | |
Encomium | Hymn of praise (eulogy) | |
Ephemeral | Lasting for only one day | |
Epidiascope | Overhead projector (strictly speaking, a predecessor to the
'modern' instrument) | |
Eructation | Belch (or burp) | |
Felucca | Small fishing vessel, used on the Nile | |
Feretory: contains | Relics of saints | |
Fipple | Plug in mouth of wind instruments | |
Fumitory | Fast–growing wild plant | |
Funambulist | Tightrope walker | |
Gallivat | Small armed vessel, used on the coast of Malabar (India) | |
Gamin | Street urchin; a precocious or mischievous child | |
Ger | Portable dwelling (tent) used by nomads in the steppes of central Asia (cf.
Yurt) | |
Gospel | Good news (from the Greek, via Old English) | |
Grimalkin | (Old English word for a) (she) cat | |
Guipure | Lace | |
Ha–ha | Sunken fence | |
Haruspicy: telling fortunes by | Animal entrails | |
Hassock | Stuffed stool for kneeling on (or a tuft or tussock of grass, etc.) | |
Hebdomad | A group of seven, including seven days – a week | |
Howdah | Seat on an elephant | |
Hummum | Turkish bath | |
Hydroponics | Growing plants without soil (usually in water, using mineral solutes) | |
Imbroglio | Confused, tangled affair – an embroilment | |
Incumbent | Clergyman in receipt of a benefice | |
Karateka | Someone who practices karate | |
Kilim | Oriental rug | |
Killick | Small anchor | |
Knout | Whip (made of knotted rope) | |
Lapidation | Stoning to death | |
Leman | Mistress, lover (archaic, poetical) | |
Libation | Drink (originally a liquid offering to the Gods) | |
Lorgnette | ||
Loupe | Magnifying lens (as used by jewellers etc.) | |
Lycanthrope | Werewolf | |
Mahout | Elephant driver or handler | |
Mandoline | Tool for slicing food (e.g. vegetables, eggs) | |
Mangonel | Mediaeval siege catapult | |
Martingale | Part of a horse’s harness | |
Mastication | Chewing | |
Mattamore | Subterranean dwelling or storehouse | |
Merkin | Pubic wig | |
Metempsychosis | Reincarnation | |
Miniver | White fur (ermine) | |
Misogamy | Fear or dislike of marriage | |
Mop (West Country) | (Hiring) fair | |
Motley (used as a noun) | Multicoloured cloth; hence a jester’s costume, or jester | |
Nacre | Mother of pearl | |
Natation (natatorium) | Swimming (pool) | |
Necropolis | Cemetery | |
Nephogram: photograph of a | Cloud | |
Nictation | Winking | |
Numnah | Saddle–cloth pad | |
Obideau | Sluice gate | |
Odalisk | Female slave or concubine | |
Orogenesis: formation of | Mountains | |
Orrery | Mechanical model of the Solar System | |
Osculation | Kissing (also, in geometry, something to do with curves touching circles) | |
Ossification: formation of | Bones | |
Paean | Hymn of praise or thanksgiving | |
Palanquin | Enclosed chair carried on the shoulders of two men | |
Palfrey | Horse (with a smooth gait instead of a trot – often ridden by a woman) | |
Palliasse | Straw mattress | |
Parsimony | Meanness | |
Pedagogue | Teacher | |
Pelerine | Shoulder cape with elongated sides | |
Pelotherapy | Therapeutic use of mud | |
Peruke | Wig (from the French perruque) | |
Phaeton | Open four–wheeled carriage, drawn by one or two horses | |
Philtre | Love potion | |
Poltergeist (literally) | Noisy spirit | |
Polyandry | ||
Polyglot | Speaks more than one language | |
Polygraph | ||
Polygyny (poly–GUY–nee) | ||
Poniard | A long, lightweight thrusting knife or dagger | |
Portmanteau | Trunk or suitcase | |
Postern | Gateway (especially a sealed one) | |
Postilion | One who rides a post horse or one of the horses pulling a carriage | |
Prairie schooner | Covered wagon | |
Promnesia | Deja vu | |
Propinquity | Proximity, nearness | |
Proselyte | Religious convert (especially to Judaism) | |
Psalter | Book of psalms | |
Pug or pugmark (of an animal) | Footprint | |
Ramekin | Small, glazed ceramic dish used for serving (individual portions of)
food | |
Recabite | Tee–totaller (after Recab in the Bible) | |
Redd (Scottish) | Spawning ground (in a river) or the spawn itself | |
Reflexology | Treatment of ills by manipulating the soles of the feet | |
Reliquary | Place where religious relics are kept | |
Reticule | Lady’s handbag | |
Rhabdomancy | Water divining | |
Rugosity | Wrinkle | |
Sabra | Jew born in Israel (from the Hebrew for a prickly pear) | |
Samovar | Tea urn | |
Saraband | Dance (slow, stately Spanish) | |
Scuttlebut (to a sailor) | Drinking vessel | |
Shawm | Musical instrument | |
Silviculturalist | Tree specialist | |
Sommelier | Butler or wine waiter (from the French) | |
Somnambulism | Sleepwalking | |
Somniloquy | Sleeptalking | |
Spurtle (Scots) | Stick (or spoon) used to stir porage; or a sword | |
Stich | Line of poetry | |
Stoup: another word for a | Baptismal font | |
Surtout (19th century – sur–too) | Overcoat or frock coat | |
Susurration | Whispering or murmuring | |
Symposium (originally – Greek) | Drinking party | |
Tachycardia | Rapid pulse rate or heartbeat | |
Tachygraphy | Shorthand | |
Tachypnoeia | Rapid breathing | |
Tandoor | Clay oven | |
Tanka | Japanese poem (five lines) | |
Tarpan | Horse | |
Tasseography | Telling fortunes from tea leaves, coffee grounds or wine sediment (etc.) | |
Termagant | Boisterous bully (especially a woman) | |
Thurible | Incense burner | |
Thurifer | Someone that swings a thurible | |
Tintinnabulation | The sound of bells ringing | |
Toposcope | A graphic tablet at a viewpoint (typically on top of a hill or mountain), showing
the direction and distance to notable locations | |
Toque | Close–fitting cap | |
Toque blanche | Chef's hat | |
Toxophily, toxophilite | Archery, archer | |
Treen | Wooden artefact(s) | |
Triskelion | Three–legged symbol (e.g. Isle of Man, Sicily) | |
Troglodyte | Cave dweller | |
Turophile | ||
Tyg | Two–handled drinking cup | |
Ululate | To howl or wail with grief | |
Utopia (literally) | No place (nowhere) | |
Uxoricide | Murder of one’s wife | |
Valetudinarian | An invalid, or a hypochondriac | |
Vaticinisation | Prophecy (power of) | |
Ventriloquism (literally) | Speaking from the stomach | |
Wicca | Pagan religion or witchcraft | |
Xebec | Sailing ship (used on the Mediterranean) | |
Yacuza | Japanese gangster (or organised crime gang) | |
Yurt | Turkish name for the Mongolian ger | |
Zamarra | Spanish sheepskin jacket | |
Zuona | Turkish bagpipe |
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